Sunday, April 29, 2012

Shopping at Macy's 4/28

Miss MoneyPenny and Miss KnowItAll headed out for Macy's on Saturday with our "Friends & Family" coupons in our hot little hands, but first we headed over to the Yacht Club for lunch to get ourselves fortified.  Of course, we used our $10 off coupon and had a very tasty lunch served by a charming young man who knows how to get those tips.

Let me tell you right now that I am not happy with the way Macy's has decided that a large amount of their stock is now considered "Everyday Value."  The deal with this is that these items never go on sale and coupons do not apply.  I find this to be unfriendly, but I did end up with a black hoodie ($27.98), capris ($27.98), a very nice top ($44.63) and a greatly reduced pair of pajama bottoms ($7.41.)  The only items that I could use my coupons on were the top and jammies, still not bad prices, but I really had to work up a sweat to find this stuff.

Since I am retiring May 31st, I've been giving a lot of thought to my wardrobe.  I don't want to look like a total slob, but I do want to be comfy, so this summer is going to be all about capris, shorts and jeans.  No nylons!!  Usually, I wear flipflops a lot in the summer, but they are hard on my feet so I'm looking at Tevas or Jambus.  Have you looked at the price on those sandals?  Sheesh!!  I'm going to see what I can do online through Ebates.  I'll let you know.

Retirement Update:

On Friday I received my confirmation from the state retirement system, so I am officially on my way.  I heard from Social Security a couple of weeks ago, so pretty soon I'm going to take a deep breath and quit wearing my shoulders up by my ears.  I started this process about two years ago and figured and refigured it every way I could think of.  I used up a lot of paper and made lots of phone calls.  The reason that I'm mentioning this is that unless you win the lottery, and I hope you do, a lot of ground work has to be laid and the sooner, the better.  Just sayin'.

Garden Update:

Okay, what are we looking at here.  The first pix is the half priced tulip bulbs that I bought at QFC.  I'm not thrilled with the way they turned out.  I planted an even dozen and you can see what I got.  When they are done blooming, I'll bury the little buggers in the flower bed and see how they do next year.

The other picture is the garden after we finished planting lettuce, chard and kale.  Maybe your garden isn't all tricked out in razor wire and hardware, but then you probably don't have a crazy-ass Boston Terrier either. 

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