Monday, October 14, 2013

Photo Dump 10/14

I thought I would share a few more of the pictures from my great granddaughter's first birthday party.  Again we have the little princess thrilled with the box.  This box actually has windows drawn on the sides which you can just barely make out in this shot.

Mommy and Daddy looking pretty and handsome, in that order.  They put this picture on their Thank You card.  Cool idea.

These were some seriously tasty cupcakes.  They had lemon curd in the middle and butter cream frosting.  The cake in the upper right is sitting there not having a clue what was going to happen to it at the hands of a one year old.

Mommy's beautiful friends.  I know for sure that the one in the middle has been her friend since about birth.

I told you that things got interesting as the party wore on.  Before it was a fashionable skirt this flounce was on the highchair.

My friend, Miss Cassie, came over and did a great job of mercy weeding for me.  Having a bum hip doesn't work very well with crouching.

My hydrangea did not bloom on the top!!  What is that all about??

I love this hardy fuchsia.  He comes back every spring and blooms his little heart out all summer and fall, until the first hard freeze.

I know this is kind of blurry but I was trying to take this shot while trying to keep Poppy from getting it.  Isn't this the most perfect of little bitty frogs that Miss Cassie found in the flowerbed??  It is on her wrist and Cassie is pretty itty bitty herself.

Speaking of itty bitty - I noticed this little traveler on the side of the dahlia bouquet.  I carefully carried him out and put him in with the sage and oregano.  I know.  I know.  I battle slugs and snails so seriously in the spring that I buy my Sluggo at Costco.

Poppy loves warm blankets just out of the dryer.

Somehow she gets that big heavy lid off so she can dig in the compost.  It scares me to think what she might be after.

The little Teddy Bear sunflowers blooming away with the last of the onions.

The dahlias were not happy with the 32 degrees last night but they are still blooming.

I'm very serious about the red maple's leaves.  They make fabulous mulch and they add that "brown" that we are always looking for in our compost.  And the best part - they are free!!

Come on, admit it, you had one of these back in the day.  My son, the plumber, got me this one for Christmas back in the 90s when I told him how much I used to enjoy mine.  All you have to do is replace the bulb when it quits doing its thing.  I wonder how many get tossed??  I know my old one went to the dump in Reedsport, Oregon.

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