Tuesday, July 3, 2012

QFC Grocery Basket 7/3 & The Full Buck Moon

Tonight is the Full Buck Moon, which seems odd to me.  I would think October makes more sense than July, considering that Miss MoneyPenny comes from a hunting and fishing type family - everyone except Miss MoneyPenny, that is.  Maybe it means something other than deer hunting season.  Who thinks this stuff up, anyway?  I'm just reporting it.

July 3rd is also, according to my same source, the beginning of the Dog Days of Summer.  Who knew?  The Famous MoneyPenny Annual 4th of July Picnic is happening tomorrow and I would be thrilled to pieces if some of that summer would happen.  I've got both crock pots cooking up the pulled pork for the main dish, grass cut short for the croquet tournament, house cleaned, and everybody checked and double-checked regarding what they are bringing, fireworks ordered, and what do I get for weather?  Everything!! but nice, warm and sunny.  The weather lady is calling for cloudy in the morning and sunny in the afternoon tomorrow.  I hope she is right, but the party will go on, regardless.

QFC is still having their Buy 10 Items, Save $3 now, Save $2 later promotion, so a lot of the things mentioned last week still apply, but there are some other items of interest:

USDA Choice T-Bone steaks - $6.99/lb
Tillamook Yogurt - .59/6oz
Local Lettuces - .99/ea
Local Zucchini or Yellow Squash - $1.29/lb
Northwest Red Cherries - $2.99/lb
Nature Made Vitamins - BOGO (coupon S/6/3 for $1off, can use 2 coupons, 1 for each)

QFC is now offering Pet Meds!! like Costco, so toughen up and ask your vet for the scripts rather than pay their astronomical prices.  Do you hear me, Miss MoneyPenny?  You big chicken.

Retirement Update:

Right as rain, the state deposited my pension check and the Retiree Health Plan took their cut.  The figures that I had been planning on were to the penny which made me very happy, considering the little misunderstanding in June.  Here's hoping that Social Security will work out, too.  Then I will take a big deep breath and salute myself with a glass of Crystal Light for a planning job well done.

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