Monday, January 2, 2012

Good Old Ebates

You remember that Miss MoneyPenny was unhappy with Ebates because they did not credit her account after the big PetCareRx buy.  They were very polite but we went round and round by email for a couple of weeks.  I'm sure that they could not believe that somebody would be so persistent over $14.80.  What finally happened is that I filed a claim which they said they would look into and then I completely forgot about it because I thought I had lost out on the deal.

Good news!!  Ebates came through and credited my account.  I'm sure the people at PetCareRx hate me and didn't make much on the deal, but fair is fair.  I clipped their coupon for $10 off a $35 order, including free shipping and went through Ebates for the daily double at 10% and used my credit card for another 1%.  I call that strategic shopping.  I ordered flea stuff for my four critters for several months.  This was a better deal than Costco but I really had to work for it.

As far as the UGGs deal, I think that one is a bust.  They never emailed me a confirmation so I printed it out.  Ebates was not interested in it because they do everything online so I'm most likely not going to get credited my $9.  That whole confirmation email is very important if you are an Ebater, so file them away in a little file entitled "Ebates" and check them regularly to make sure you are getting your account credited.  Thank you SmartyPants for that little tip.

Tulip update:

I finally got the dead mums pulled out of my front porch pot and the 12 little tulip bulbs planted in their place.  I was pleasantly surprised at what nice bulbs they were since I got them for 50% off at QFC.  I think that I'm going to challenge myself to garden out of the QFC parking lot again this year.  It worked pretty well last year and I sure didn't spend near as much money as I usually do.  Thank heavens for my dear daughter-in-law.  She always gets me a beautiful and spendy hanging basket for Mother's Day.  I've never been too impressed with the ones at QFC.

Christmas decoration take down update:

They are still up.

1 comment:

  1. Christmas lights still hanging in the tree? Tsk tsk.

    Guess I know what you'll be doing this weekend.
